Meyer Zoysia
Meyer zoysia is an improved strain of zoysia japonica. It is a single plant selection taken from 50-odd selections of common zoysia japonica grown from seed by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1940.
Meyer zoysia was developed and released cooperatively by the Crops Research Division, Agriculture Research Service, and the U.S. Golf Association Green Section in 1951. The selection upon release was named Meyer in honor of Frank N. Meyer, a plant explorer for the Department of Agriculture, who made the first collection of zoysia seed in Korea in 1905. Zoysia was named to commemorate Karl von Zois, an Austrian botanist of the 18th century.
Meyer zoysia's leaf width is between common zoysia japonica and zoysia matrella. Zoysia is more cold tolerant than practically all other varieties of zoysia. Established turf is quite dense and has a dark green color during the growing season. After first frost, Meyer zoysia turns a brownish yellow or blonde color. Meyer zoysia must be propagated vegetatively.
Advantages of Meyer Zoysia:
- Dense turf prevents weed invasion
- Meyer Zoysia provides a green dense turf in summer when cool-season grasses are off-peak
- Big Roll Sod Moderately shade tolerant
- Good salt tolerance
- Resists many insects and diseases
- Heat and drought tolerant
- Excellent wear tolerance
- Tolerates close mowing
- Excellent cold tolerance
Meyer zoysia is a premium lawn grass. In recent years, Meyer Z-52 zoysia has grown in popularity as a fairway and tee grass. Golf course superintendent's find Meyer Z-52 zoysia easy to manage due to low water requirements, superior cold tolerance, and less mowing.
It thrives in the transition zone where hot summers damage cool season turf. To the golfer, Meyer Z-52 zoysia's uniformity coupled with its dense growth makes for an excellent lie for the golf ball, even while dormant.